hill station

7 days long itinerary around Gangtok, places you must visit

So, you are in planning mode for a long trip to Gangtok, the capital city of a small Himalayan state…

6 years ago

Shared tour of North Sikkim, 3 days itinerary to Lachen, Lachung

When I was planning my first trip to Sikkim, I wanted to explore the real Sikkim instead of any city…

6 years ago

Phenzong homestay, best in Gangtok

Travelling often inspired me to try different option available with accommodation so, last time I tried hostel stay in Rishikesh.…

6 years ago

Top 10 best tourist places to visit in Tamil Nadu

This jewel of the south is popular for being one of the most popular spiritual destinations in India. The entire…

6 years ago

4 days travel itinerary of Pachmarhi, Complete guide

When I was making a travel plan for visiting interesting points of Madhya Pardesh, Pachmarhi was not the part of…

7 years ago